Thursday, January 6, 2011

How to Make Green Coffee Bean Extract

Green coffee bean extract is the new buzz word in health circles. Green coffee beans are not a new product at all though. They've been around for as long as coffee itself. New studies prove that green coffee beans possess many of the anti-oxidants found in Green Tea and Grape Seed Extract.

Studies now show that Green Coffee Bean Extract also increases your body's metabolism and helps burn fat perhaps even better than Green Tea Extract.

According to author Hiroshi Shimoda, "If a human consumes one kilogram per day of food (2.2 pounds) containing 10 grams (.35 ounce) of green coffee bean extract for 14 days, the increase in body weight may be suppressed by 35 percent."

This constitutes more than speeding up metabolism and burning fat; Green Coffee Bean Extract actually suppresses weight gain. Count on it being the newest revolutionary Diet Wonder of the Decade!

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Recipe for making Green Coffee Bean Extract

Green Coffee Beans
Any type of green, raw coffee bean may be used for this purpose. As with regular coffee making, the better beans from places like Columbia will be richer and full-bodied and thus produce a stronger Green Coffee Extract.

Distilled Water
Distilled water is used because it contains no chlorine or minerals to contaminate the taste or properties of the Green Coffee Bean Extract.

A regular tea pot may be used for this purpose or even a medium sized sauce pan with lid. You can brew up as much as you feel you will need for 3 or 4 days. Or you can simply make the extract fresh each day much the same way as you would your coffee.

Use 2 ounces of Green Coffee Beans to 12 ounces of water. Place both in a tea pot or sauce pan and bring to a boil. Turn heat down and allow mixture to simmer for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and allow mixture to cool for at least an hour. Remove the beans from the water with a slotted spoon or strainer.

Note: the longer the bean mixture sits, the stronger the extract will be.

Suggestions for use:
Green Coffee Bean Extract may be taken daily alone or mixed with other food and drink to make it more palatable. If taking the extract alone, drink one ounce in the morning and one ounce in the evening. Adding a teaspoon of raw sugar or honey gives the mixture a better taste.

You may experience changes in bowel movements or discoloration of urine. This is nothing to be alarmed about. If these changes are associated with pain, then discontinue use of Green Coffee Bean Extract.

Delicious recipes and funny stories: My Kitchen Blog


  1. Thanks for sharing! This has been incredible for my weight loss, I actually found a capsule form at Take about 4 capsules a day before meals, it's easy weight loss!

    1. I started the capsules about 10 days ago and have lost weight. Def want to make a fresher home made version, so getting some green beans and will make my own extract. How about a mort and pestle to pumble the beans for the boiling process? I reckon that might work.

    2. Green coffee beans are very hard. A pestle won't do it. Even a professional coffee grinder did not work. What worked well for me was a Cuisinart Grind Central unit. Good luck!

  2. Everyone is different. Your body chemistry is different than everyone else's. Your results will vary based on a number of things. I would suggest doing a little more research or just trying it and seeing for yourself. Green coffee beans are not very expensive.

  3. How do they get it into a capsule form? From liquid to powder?

  4. I would guess that they use the same process as with other products like this. Its probably freeze dried then encapsulated. I still think the fresh brewed mixture is more effective plus its cheaper.



    1. Suggestions for use:
      Green Coffee Bean Extract may be taken daily alone or mixed with other food and drink to make it more palatable. If taking the extract alone, drink one ounce in the morning and one ounce in the evening. Adding a teaspoon of raw sugar or honey gives the mixture a better taste

    2. Do you grind you beans first? :D

  6. Thanks Barbara! That's a great place to start but adjustments can be made to dosage if desired.

  7. Thank you - I usually roast my green coffee, but I am going to see if I can get the health benefits from this method. I'll let you know my results. I like the idea of making my own because I know what is in it?

    So I don't need to grind my green coffee beans?

  8. Hi, I never thought of roasting, grinding and using green coffee beans. how does that taste? It seems like it wouldnt be very good.

  9. Um...annecarol34....roasting green coffee beans produces roasted coffee....i.e. what you get when you order a cup of java at a restaurant...hehe.

    grinding green beans would expose more surface area and provide for more extraction, thus you can use less raw product. I think I'll do an espresso grind and run it thru my espresso machine, that should provide maximum extraction.

    1. Green coffee won't extract well in any coffee machine. You need to give it more time, like cold-brew, it's really best to let it sit for at least a week at room temperature, but to do that you'll need to use alcohol or glycerin to keep it from getting infected. Another thing, green coffee beans are hard as rocks. They will ruin your grinder.

  10. You mean the regular coffee we all drink comes from green coffee beans? Why dont they let them ripen? seems like the coffee would be better if the beans would ripen.

    1. Green coffee is ripe. The "bean" is the seed part inside the coffee cherry, which is usually red.

    2. Green coffee just means that the beans have not been roasted---It doesn't imply that the coffee was not ripe when picked.

  11. You can buy green coffee beans online and roast your own coffee in a hot air popcorn popper. I get mine at I would suggest roasting outside as the smoke and smell are not that pleasant. I put 1/3 cup of green coffee beans in the popper and put the plastic cover/chute over. after a few minutes (depending on air temp. & humidity) you will hear crackling & popping noise, watch carefully and shut off when they reach the desired darkness. Then pour them quickly into a mesh strainer and stir to help cool quickly. Freshly roasted beans need to sit for a day before grinding and brewing. They should look oily. Warning though, once you start you'll never want to buy ground coffee or even pre-roasted beans again :)

    1. It's actually best if they don't get oily. It's best when the "oil" stays on the inside where it's protected from oxygen. It gets oily when roasted too quickly.

    2. Sounds like you are very knowledgeable on this topic. Have you used green coffee for weight loss?

    3. I've been roasting coffee at home for some time now. The flavor is superior to anything commercial. I bought a small roaster and wait until I hear the 2nd set of cracks begin and then quickly dump the beans out of the roaster onto a ceramic plate or lipped stainless steel baking sheet to cool them and prevent further roasting. The taking the beans beyond 2nd crack when roasting is considered a City Roast, which is a dark greasy looking bean. A bit dark if you let it roast past the 2nd crack in the roasting cycle. As soon as I hear the first bean crack in the 2nd cycle of "cracking" , I remove the beans from the roaster. They are a deep brown and only just a few of the beans are greasy.

      I am anxious to try the green bean tea/diet. Thanks for all the input out there. I am looking forward to a slimmer me!

    4. Thanks for sharing that helpful information, Mary. I would love to try roasting my own beans. I believe green tea and green coffee beans both have health and weight loss benefits.

  12. Thanks so much Cheryl! That sounds wonderful. I'm going to try your technique. cant wait to see if there really is that much of a difference.

  13. Do you 'grind' the green coffee beans before you add the water to make your extract?

    1. If you want to grind them, a corona mill is probably the best option because they're so hard and will ruin most coffee grinders. If you pre-soak the beans they will soften up a little.

    2. How about a mort and pestle to grind the green beans? Make the green coffee extract...

  14. You can grind the beans or just leave them whole. I think it will work either way but the taste will be alot different.

  15. Don't grind because they'll gumm-up the grinder and there is no need. second, green coffee and water don't mix well. the bean will sprout spores within hours and in days be furry. It looks like .35 of an oz of beans is about 10-15 beans, but i havn't checked this out yet. 12 oz of water is a standard coffee cup size to heat the beans in for 15 mim - until there is aprox 1 oz of water left. Maybe the local coffee roaster outlet will part with some green beans?

    1. can any1 pls explain in detail frm step 1 till end how to make green coffe frm green raw coffee beans ... as iam in madagascar n its available here ... i want in detail frm start till end of coffee cup..

  16. Ammar, the instructions above are very clear. Just read them over again and they do explain exactly what to do. You are basically using green coffee beans to make a strong coffee extract that you drink twice a day. the beans can be ground or left whole.

  17. We grow coffee, and have a co-op here in our town that processes it. Green coffee, as explained is not really green. It is fully ripe coffee that has not been roasted. Roasting removes the acids needed for the health benefits, because it is done at high temperatures.
    I bought myself a Kilo of whole, unroasted, top quality coffee beans at our co-op, since the skins, muciligens, and paper have been removed, and they are properly dried. (When we begin collecting, I will try to process it myself, to see if it works better)
    I made my extract, following the above directions; I ground my beans in my heavyduty blender, somewhat. They are Very Hard to grind.
    It (the extract) is green. It does not taste too bad! But I drink my regular coffee black...
    I prefer it refridgerated. Warm, it has a stronger "green" smell. Then, I added 1/2 an Aloe leaf (from the back yard, cut off the spikes on the side, kept the healthy skin on, and blended in the blender with my green coffee extract) and it became very tasty. With no added sugar.
    I have an extremely slow metabolism, so I don't expect quick results. So far, after about a week, I have stopped gaining weight, so that IS promising.

    1. Dana, where do you live that you grow your own coffee? Hawaii maybe? With the mention of aloe and a co-op, I flashed on past days in Kauai. Any way, I love your ingenuity and natural twist.
      Has any one determined (by testing the levels of concentration)the similarity with the products from manufacturers of the capsule form.
      Just a suggestion, but employing a consistent brisk walk would turbo-charge that metabolism.

    2. T-time, I live in Costa Rica! We have been growing our own coffee for about 11 years now. I have an aloe plant out in the backyard that my neighbor gave me many years ago. When they put up their garage, that area got bulldozed, but somehow, my giant aloe and some of it's offspring managed to survive :)
      I have been making my extract and drinking it before the three main meals every day (mine are very small meals indeed, but I try to eat small amounts regularly) and after three years without one ounce of loss (I've been gaining steadily :o ) I LOST two pounds! Not much, I know, but for me it's amazing! At my best, I could only lose 4 pounds a month, and it never showed up until I got discouraged, and blew it. Always shows up around day 3 of my cycle...

    3. Hi Dana !
      I live in Honduras and grow some coffee as well.
      I have a question about what you mentioned here:
      Coffee grows green on the coffee bush until it turns red (around December in my area),then we harvest it, wash it & dry the beans (we call dried beans "pergamino coffee"), which of course hasn't been roasted yet. at which stage would you call it "green"? before they ripe or when they are "pergamino"?? You seem to know a great deal about it and your help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance !

  18. Thanks so much for sharing that Dana. That's actually very helpful information. I am ordering some green coffee beans online but dont have a way to grind them at all. That's my only concern.
    My metabolism is very slow also. I am trying to move around, go walking, exercise etc to get going better. Let us know how you do. Thanks

    1. annecarol34, I stopped grinding the beans, as they are just too hard, but that hasn't seemed to affect the effectiveness. I LOST 2 pounds! I have also heard that coconut oil is helpful, and have added about a teaspoon a day to my diet. It is supposed to be introduced slowly, and worked up to 2 Tablespoons, but I'm having a hard time finding it in a country that GROWS it! I can only seem to find re-imported US brands!?! What's with that, I wonder. It makes it very expensive. However, the coffee extract seems to be doing the job! Yay!

  19. T-Time, I believe the coffee concentrate will do a better job but the capsules will be much less trouble. Havent seen a comparison study though. Thanks for your question.

    1. No doubt. I'd be into putting the kibosh on some of the sleazier companies.

      I just got done reading Wheat Belly and have to say that if one stays abreast with the latest dietary hoopla; you've got to be lost. Many MD's need not write books and just see patients.

  20. Thanks Dana, Congrats on that weight loss. Keep going! I get my coconut oil at Walmart. I also found a website where you can buy it directly from a grower in the phillipines. Coconut oil is good for Thyroid function too.

  21. Hi All
    I am a newy from Australia and want to get in on this as I have read a bit and it sounds promising , anyway I have bought my coffee but 1 ounce of extract morning and night doesn't seem like much, are we sure that is all ?

  22. Brendan, if you feel like you can handle a bit more, then go for it. If you start having any unusual side affects, just back off your dosage and do let us know how it goes. thanks!

    1. I have tried also 1 ounce of extract morning and night with good belly fat loss but no weight loss. What would be the equivalent MG of 1 OZ of the compared to the 400 or 800 MG Chlorgenic Acid capsules offered?


  23. Luis, 800 mg is a whole lot less than one ounces but the capsules may be concentrated so that they give a much higher dosage. Since green coffee is a natural substance, it's probably okay to experiment with different doses of the capsules till you find what works for you. Of course if you have any health problems etc you should see a doctor before beginning any weight loss program.

  24. Anne. I know 800 mg in weight is less than 1 ounce. The people that make capsules indicate that the capsules contain either 400 or 800 mg of Chlorgenic Acid. The question is in reference to your brew, how many MG of Chlorgenic Acid contains the ounce of the brew?. That way we could say for example, 1 oz of brew is equal to a capsule that contains 400 mg of Chlorgenic Acid.
    Thanks for your reply

  25. Do you think I could mix the extract into a regular cup of coffee without losing potency? I typically drink an espresso roast made in a moka pot and add more low fat milk than I like to admit.

    Also ... Could you not just fine grind the beans (I have a grinder that can handle the hard beans) and fill capsules (like the ones found at health food stores for filling with ground herbs) and take it that way? Or is there something about the actual liquid that makes this work.

    Thanks for all the advice and tips!

  26. Collette, honestly I think green coffee extract would taste awful in your coffee but you can try it. You might also try grinding the beans and putting them in the capsules but I don't think you will get the same results.

    Just think about tea for instance. If you just take the tea leaves by themselves, you get a much different product in your system than if you place the tea leaves in hot water and let them steep.

    That process of placing the ground coffee into hot water and waiting for it to steep does make a differnce. Good luck! Let us know how you do and thanks for your questions.

  27. That makes a whole lot of sense when you compare it to tea. I get your point. I haven't tried making the extract yet (I just found your site a little while ago), so I had no idea how it would taste. Now I'm scared! Guess I can always hold my nose and gag it down like I do tequila!

    Thanks so much for your quick response. I'm going to go make the extract now. We'll see how this goes.

  28. Thanks Collette, I take maca root every day which is supposed to be really healthy and great for you etc. and it tastes awful but I just remind myself that it's helping me - another thing I do when I am drinking it is that i play games so that I am distracted and not thinking about the taste.

  29. The daily dose of pure Green Coffee Bean contains only about 15 – 25 mg of naturally-occurring caffeine whereas your average cup of coffee contains up to 200 mg.
    pure green coffee bean extract

  30. I have a small coffee grow area in Costa Rica and bring back green beans. I just began taking the solution today, boiled 1/2 cup beans for about 15-20 mins in 12 oz of water and put 1/3 cup of the liquid in my fresh juice (which I made using my Omega juicer - used carrots, kale from my garden, apples, celery, kiwi, parsley, cukes and cilantro). The result of adding the coffee extract didn't seem to change the taste at all- but that combo of veggies is pretty strong in the first place! I am trying to lose weight but also lose the tumor on my kidney I just found out about, along with cysts on liver and in body fat. I have always eaten healthy food and treated my body well, but we really cannot escape the pollution of our food supply in the US, just mitigate it by growing food. Thanks for your post on making the extract.

  31. Jan, thanks so much for this very interesting information. I would love to try your recipe. Also, very sorry to hear about those cysts. Besides environmental hazards, things like unresolved family issues, constant stress, unforgiveness and other psychological issues like this can affect our health. here's a good book on that topic that is based on real scientific research. The man's name is Henry Wright and he wrote, "A More Excellent Way" which tells about how he was miraculously healed of cancer.
    God bless!

  32. Used cheap blade grinder, small amount of green coffee beans. Grinded them in a few steps - trying not to overheat them. Got about 3 teaspoons of rather coarse powder. Tasted 1/2 teaspoon dried. What a surprise - very pleasant nutty taste alone. The other half took with a small piece of dark (85%) chocolate - even better! Makes great dessert.

    I do not know what brand of green coffee I am using since where I live I found so far only one “street” seller with one brand of it and seller was not sure about it neither.

    I wonder, though, does this, described above, simple, inexpensive and pleasant way have any benefits over the usage of any kind of extract? By definition an extract is more concentrated substance. But that could be easily corrected by an amount of grinded powder. How to calculate this – I do not know yet. If someone has any opinions on the subject I would appreciate them greatly! What I simply meant : what amount of grinded green coffee beans powder has contain the same amount of chlorogenic acid as one recommended dose of commercially offered extracts do? If it will turn practical then why not let our body to do the darn extraction of the minimally processed product naturally?

  33. Thanks for those great suggestions Henry. I love the idea of having it with dark chocolate. I will try that. As to dosage, that's very hard to guage. It depends on your weight, age, health etc. I think its a good idea to just start out with a teaspoon and see how that does for a few days. I have a very sensitive system, so I do this with everything. I begin with small doses and build up to larger ones. Good luck!

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  37. Adding green coffee beans (250 grams)and Gambooge(Garcinia)(100 grams to 500 ml of Jambul Vinegar(Syzygium Cumini)kept for a week gives you a concoction , which one can have as a drink adding 10 ml of the concoction with 90 ml of water or soda.I have been having this twice a day for four months and have lost 9 kilograms of weight.

  38. Thanks for everyone's insight and comments. It's helpful to hear how others are doing. Hondumaster, I think when they say "Green" they mean beans that have NOT ripened or turned red yet. Not certain though.

  39. I run a coffee micro-roastery, and I can say with 100% certainty that "green" coffee simply refers to "raw" coffee, that is, coffee that has not yet been roasted. It does not refer to under-ripe coffee.

    I have had several friends ask me about getting green coffee beans for this diet which has raised my interest as well. I will be trying it out myself. With so many single-origin coffee varieties at my disposal (eg., Guatemala, Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Colombia, Brazil, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Malawi, Sumatra, Java) I'm hoping to see if any taste better than others, or perhaps due to their density/porosity make a stronger extract when boiled whole. Looking forward to reporting again.

  40. Green Coffee Bean Extract has some amazingly effective health benefits. Thanks for providing such useful information About purchasing this.
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  41. I am concerned with the advice to use distilled water..
    The water is the greatest chemical solvent there is on the Earth. The distilled water is pure H2O, contains nothing dissolved in it, and is extremely active. Getting inside your body, it may cause damage dissolving and carrying away much needed substances.
    Chlorine, if present in the tap water, evaporates naturally within 15-20 min. Therefore, to get rid of it, simply pour water into a bowl and leave it on the counter. In 20 min, it will be clear of chlorine content.
    The minerals contained in the water is a different matter. First of all, many of them are necessary for your body and the water is the natural source of them. Still, if you are concerned, use reversed osmosis filters to purify your tap water.. yet, steer clear from distilled water - it is good for technical purposes, not for your body..

  42. Thanks Luda. I have been drinking distilled for about 20 yrs - I am highly allergic to bleach and none of the other processes will eliminate everything harmful. Most bottled drinks on the market today in the U.S. use distilled water because its 100% pure.

  43. I have a juicer - can I juice the coffee beans and use the leftover liquid?

    And what should I do with the pulp?


  44. The coffee beans would be very difficult to juice and might damage your juicer. they're very hard beans. I would try using the pulp as fertilizer. Used coffee grounds has been said to be good for plants.

  45. I followed the recipe exactly and most of the water disappeared from the mixture ... I basically had a pot of plump green coffee beans that had absorbed all the water. So how much liquid are you supposed to get out of 2 ounces of beans?

  46. Jenny, I would suggest adding water till you have at least a couple of ounces of extract that is liquid enough to consume. If you get the mixture too strong, it can cause stomach upset, plus it will taste awful so add sugar if that's the case. The consistency depends on what type of beans are used and how they were ground. As you can see from all the comments, everyone has their own idea about how to grind the beans and which beans are best.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion, Carolyn! I am going to give it another go.

  47. Thanks so much Cymbio...very kind of you to say so.

  48. thanks this information was very helpful indeed

  49. You have really helped several of individuals like me, who have been searching internet from past quite a long time to find detailed information on this particular topic.

    Green coffee bean

  50. Thanks John, we have all learned alot from each other about losing weight with green coffee extract. good luck

  51. If you're a die hard fan of coffee, I suggest you try Mangosteen Juice. It doesn't have caffeine but lots of nutrients and vitamins. Natural juices are way to better than coffee, tea and other beverages.

  52. I believe this is actually the most useful blog I've been through this entire day.
    green coffee bean extract

  53. I am a Green Coffee lover and I enjoy reading your blog a lot. I never knew green Coffee has all of these benefits.

  54. Thanks Sonika. Glad to hear from you.

  55. Your blog is really good. Nice to read. Hope it will help to all. Thanks for sharing this. see my blog also.Please visit the website:Green coffee Bean Extract manufacturers | Cymbio pharma

  56. I love this blog!!! I made my first batch of the extract and made my version of a "Starbuck's" refresher out of it!!! I combined 12 oz of sparkling water (lemon flavored) with one shot of the extract, but instead of using a fresh lemon (I didn't have any on hand) I used a tsp of lemon extract, and I added a tsp of granulated Splenda (I can't stand the aftertaste of Stevia, even though I know it's better for you). Yummmmm.....It was better than "Starbuck's"!!! If I do say so myself. Not bitter at all. The lemon made all the difference. I made a large batch of the extract and I'm storing it in recycled, sterilized olive oil jars in the fridge. I am hoping to lose 40 pounds that I gained being ill this winter. Wish me luck!!! :)

    1. Thanks for sharing your recipe Michele. It sounds delicious and I think I'll try it myself. good luck with your weight loss program and God bless!

  57. Hello Carolyn. I found your post extremely helpful. There are so many people out there who wonders how to make green coffee beans. Your article surely have helped them. Keep writing blog posts like this one.

    Best Regards,
    Finn Felton
    Kopi Luwak

  58. Thanks Finn, appreciate your comment.

  59. Dear Carolyn,
    Very nice blog. Would have been more helpful if some of the posters who eagerly post when they start on green coffee extract kept us abreast of their success or failure with continued use of green coffee for weight loss and other health benefits.
    Many seem to ask for ways of grinding the green beans- one way may be to do a very light roast as done for Arabic coffee.
    I grew up in Coorg where most of India's coffee is grown.Just trying to figure out how the capsule based extracts are made.

  60. Hello Carolyn,

    Is it possible to extract from a freshly harvested coffee bean. Since it is soft at that time so it can be easily granulated.

  61. Jilu, I would think that you could do that...not sure though but please let us know how it comes out.

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  71. i do many different things that are beneficial to my health.. One thing i use alot is Food Grade Hydrogen peroxide. I wash all my veggies in a mild sink full of water and cap full of Food Grade peroxide. It makes my veggies stay sooo much fresher and longer life in fridge. So on here i have heard that the "mold" on the beans is a thing to worry about. "IF" there were mold on green coffee beans do you think it is on the outside or through out the whole bean? If its only on the outside of the bean i would think that a mild peroxide/water "gentle" bath would kill the mold. But if its in the middle of the bean that wont work. What do you think about this? I just want to assure that i dont get mold in any large amounts in my body.. Im gonna do it either way but i just wanted to know your thoughts... Have a great day...

  72. and if anyone is looking for something to grind coffee in the "Green" form, the "Vitamix" blender with the "Dry Chopping Hoper" it will turn green coffee beans into powered beans like flour... in about 2 minutes of running..

  73. and if anyone is looking for something to grind coffee in the "Green" form, the "Vitamix" blender with the "Dry Chopping Hoper" it will turn green coffee beans into powered beans like flour... in about 2 minutes of running..

  74. i do many different things that are beneficial to my health.. One thing i use alot is Food Grade Hydrogen peroxide. I wash all my veggies in a mild sink full of water and cap full of Food Grade peroxide. It makes my veggies stay sooo much fresher and longer life in fridge. So on here i have heard that the "mold" on the beans is a thing to worry about. "IF" there were mold on green coffee beans do you think it is on the outside or through out the whole bean? If its only on the outside of the bean i would think that a mild peroxide/water "gentle" bath would kill the mold. But if its in the middle of the bean that wont work. What do you think about this? I just want to assure that i dont get mold in any large amounts in my body.. Im gonna do it either way but i just wanted to know your thoughts... Have a great day...

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  77. can I drink green coffee bean as in hot form(like hot tea or coffee)

    1. sure,you can,it will not break the structure of green coffee bean extract in hot water,you can know more from

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  80. i boiled 15 beans of green coffee in 150 ml of water . but the water was just all gone after boiling. please tel me the correct procedure

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  92. Do you think a grain mill would work to grind the beans?

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  94. Recently I ordered Green Coffee Bean Extract online from Amazon and received capsules filled with powder. I was under impression that extract should be liquid and hence in capsule form but to my surprise it was powder. Could it be that the supplier filled powder instead of liquid extract ? Am I being cheated by supplier ? Each capsule is 800 mg and being advised to take one capsule before meal, three times a day ! Please advise !!


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